From the manufacturer

Sturdy Stool for You
Our most popular starter squatter is made of durable plastic to withstand use. It’s an easy-to-clean toilet stool with foot grips designed for squatting. It is not to be used as a step. The idea is to reduce strain and put your body in a natural squat position to unkink your colon.
Shaped to Fit Toilets
Practical curves allow this streamlined toilet stool to fit around the base of a toilet. It tucks away underneath and is ready to assist you when you gotta go. The gentle slope positions your heels higher than your toes and raises your feet so you squat and loosen the puborectalis muscle.
Anti-Slip Surfaces
Features an anti-slip surface on top to help your feet feel comfortable and stable. The feet are designed to keep it from sliding around. You focus on #2 and we’ll focus on our #1: you.

Join the Bowel Movement
Let’s face it, in a world of ergonomic technology the toilet needed an upgrade. We think Squatty Potty is the solution. Join us!
How Our Bodies Were Designed to “Go”
There is a better way to poop! Human bodies perform more efficiently if we squat when we poop, which will unkink your colon. Our toilet stools support your legs at the proper angle, which creates a squat (legs at the proper angle: 35°) while you sit comfortably on the toilet seat.
Simply sit, lift your feet onto the stool then go poop. Your colon will be open, allowing you to eliminate completely.
Reposition your body from 90° to 35° to naturally loosen your puborectalis muscle
Can reduce time on the toilet
Easily eliminate the strain
Weight: 1.35 lb
Dimensions: 12.38 x 18.75 x 7.63 inches

Product Description
The Squatty Potty Toilet stool puts your body in the natural position for optimal elimination. This doctor recommended stool helps you poop better with a more complete elimination.